
Adult ADHD Centre is a very informative resource for Canadians with ADHD, and they offer diagnostic assessments

ADHD and Driving is a helpful info page from Shamieh Law offices about the relationship between ADHD and driving, and it includes tips for staying safe

Bereaved Families of Ontario offers peer support and resources for grief

Canadian ADHD Awareness (CADDAC)

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)

Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) downloadable PDF guide about Depression

ConnexOntario for finding mental health, addiction and problem gambling services in your area

Hope for Wellness Help Line offers counselling and crisis support to all Indigenous peoples in Canada 

Talk4Healing Anishinabe Women’s Crisis Home & Family Healing Agency has resources for Indigenous women and children experiencing violence. Crisis Line: 

9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Hotline

  • Call or text 988 anytime
  • What to expect: When you connect with a person at 988, they will listen and help you come up with ways to be safe

211 Ontario helpline for connecting with social services and community supports